... and the search for the ERIN ANDREWS PEEPHOLE VIDEO continues its' domination of internet search trends. I can't say I blame everyone, I've seen many PICTURES OF ERIN ANDREWS and she is definitely one sexy sports chick. I guess that is why Playboy Magazine saw fit as to label Erin Andrews as such.

Of course, as with any hot search trend involving the download of a sex tape, the search for an ERIN ANDREWS PEEPHOLE VIDEO has attracted the attention of the usual douche bags looking to spread viruses and various other forms of malware. Come on people, we are all monkey's here, looking to smack our rods around a little. Taking advantage of this fact for the simple spread of some dumb-a$$ed virus is just nuts.
Just so you know, if a website tells you that you must download some sort of executable file or plug-in to view the Erin Andrews sex tape, you are going to get a virus. Just think logically and this will all pass in time. Also, do not give your credit card number to anyone offering to sell you this download of the Erin Andrews sex tape. Anyone attempting to advertise ERIN ANDREWS PEEP HOLE VIDEO SEXTAPE DOWNLOAD HERE LINKS on my blog will be filtered out.

Regardless, the search for NAKED PICTURES OF ERIN ANDREWS continues. Along with this search, I have managed to stumble across another very sexy sports babe by the name of Charlotte Jackson. Although very beautiful, Charlotte Jackson would not qualify for the sexiest sports babe in America as she is a brit. This, however, has not stopped many fans of Charlotte Jackson from comparing her beauty to that of the star of the ERIN ANDREWS SEX TAPE. Unfortunately, I have not found any NAKED PICTURES OF CHARLOTTE JACKSON, but she does seem a little less shy when it comes to magazine pictures of herself, as this picture would indicate. In fact, it would seem many internet searchers and bloggers are confusing Charlotte Jackson for Erin Andrews as many of Charlotte's pictures are popping up in places labeled as those of sex tape star Erin Andrews.
Back to the topic of the Erin Andrews PeepHole Video Download here. Apparently this Erin Andrews sex tape is real. A representative of the sexy Erin Andrews has indicated Erin Andrews will be taking legal action against those responsible for invading her privacy by recording a video of her sexual exploits in a hotel room.
"While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent," the statement from Andrews' lawyers said. "She was the victim of a crime and is taking action to protect herself and help ensure that others are not similarly violated in the future. Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material. We request respect of Erin's privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities."
If you are interested in seeing some certified Virus free pictures of the sexy Erin Andrews, check out the Erin Andrews Gallery on Naked Famous Women
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