So You Think You Can Dance Wardrobe Malfunction

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

UK Crackdown on P2P File Sharing

OK, so we are all too familiar with the Pirates of the Indian Ocean and their increasing attacks on container ships and now personal yachts. The British government, in particular Business Secretary Peter Mandelson, is seeking to shut down Internet Piracy in the form of illegal downloads.

Peter Mandelson recently announced his plan to crack down on people who persistently download illegal content, stating they will be cut off from the net if they continue downloading content.

This recent addition to government policy followed months of speculation on the topic of a crack down on peer-to-peer downloading in the UK. The new regulation means persistent peer-to-peer P2P users will be sent two warning letters before facing disconnection from their ISP.

This new regulation is being challenged by ISP providers in the UK on the grounds that it is impractical. A reprasentative from ISP TalkTalk, an ISP firm in the UK said "What is being proposed is wrong in principle and won't work in practice," They further went on to say the UK Anti-piracy law is "ill-conceived" and they are prepared to challenge the Peer-to-peer downloading crackdown against online filesharing in the courts stating "In the event we are instructed to impose extra judicial technical measures we will challenge the instruction in the courts."

Peter Mendelson, however, said actual disconnections are going to be a "Last Resort. In his announcement Peter Mendelson said "I have no expectation of mass suspensions. People will receive two notifications and if it reaches the point they will have the opportunity to appeal,"

UK ISP's have argued it is not their job to police the Internet. Further going on to state they should not be responsible for the cost involved in policing the downloading practices of their customers. In response, Peter Mandelson said the costs of enforcing his anti-piracy crackdown on Peer-to-peer P2P file sharing would be "shared between ISPs and content providers".

The Internet Service Providers' Association feels the copywrite holders should cover all costs involved in enforcing the proposed UK Anti-piracy crackdown on P2P file sharing, this would also include reimbursement of ISPs for lost revenue and expenses.

The ISPA further went on to state "The unintended consequence of Lord Mandelson's plan will be to encourage more wi-fi and PC hi-jacking and expose more innocent people to being penalised."

Peter Mandelson further went on to say this proposed UK Anti-piracy crackdown on P2P file sharing would also result in a more relaxed copyright regime. Although the details of his plan would need to be hammered out at European level, it would take account of the use of copyright material "at home and between friends", he said. For example, someone who has bought a CD would be able to copy it to their iPod or share it with family members without acting unlawfully.

In a post on their blog, The Pirate Bay, an online P2P Filesharing source and frequent defender of Filesharing rights said:

We have, ourselves, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once more able to defend our Internets, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.

Even though large parts of Internets and many old and famous trackers have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Ifpi and all the odious apparatus of MPAA rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the ef-nets and darknets, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Internets, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the, we shall fight on the /. and on the digg, we shall fight in the courts; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, the Internets or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the Anon Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in Cerf's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

In France the government has just approved a so-called three strikes policy.

Under the French Anti-piracy crackdown on P2P file sharing, those identified as illegally downloading content would initially be sent warning letters and, if they failed to comply, could be removed from the network for up to a year.

What do you think? Is this just another pile of government crap being forced down the throat of struggling ISP's? or do you think this is a much needed regulation?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hot Mormon Muff...ins 2010 Calendar

So, coming in 2010, you will be able to spank to a different hot Mormon MILF every month. The 2010 Hot Mormon Muffin, or 2010 Hot Mormon Muff Calendar as it is known in internet search land is from the creators of the popular Men on a Mission Calendar and it "comes fresh from the oven"

According to the marketing material "Hot Mormon Muffins: A Taste of Motherhood" the debut 2010 edition features twelve beautiful Mormon mothers posing in kitschy vintage pin-up style. Much like the missionary men before them, these sexy moms have dared to step into the spotlight to breakdown stereotypes and extend a hand of friendship beyond religious and social boundaries. Shot in a centerfold format with oversized imagery, the calendar features the ladies' favorite muffin recipes with a portion of the proceeds going to Breast Cancer research.

My thing is, if Hot Mormon Muff's is all about supporting breast cancer research, where are the damn tits??? At least give me a little nipple, this isn't asking much considering they are offering Muff.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

CHARLIZE THERON $140,000 Lesbian Kiss


At a charity event for ONEXONE last night, sex kitten actress Charlize Theron auctioned off a 20 second kiss to the highest bidder... who turned out to be another hot chick.

The bid of $140,000 to Kiss Carlize Theron came after bidding for a travel package, being auctioned off by Charlize Theron, stalled at $37,000. Determined not to be outdone by Jeremy Piven, who earlier that night, raised $280,000. Determined not to be outdone, Charlize Theron said "For fvck sake. You can do better, there is no way I am leaving here with Jeremy Piven getting a higher bid. I've got tits for God's sake." Charlize Theron then threw the 20 second kiss in as an added feature.

The kiss from Charlize Theron seemed to do the trick. Although the Charlize Theron kiss did not manage to beat out Jeremy Piven, a 20 second kiss from Charlize Theron did manage to bring in an extra 103K.
In case the Kiss from Charlize Theron was not enough, the winner also received a South Africa travel package which included 2010 World Cup tickets, a safari and a face to face with Nelson Mandela.

The 20 second Charlize Theron lesbian kiss is now circulating the internet in both picture and video format. Now if only she showed a little nipple, I would be all over it with a box of Kleenex.

Check out some uncensored naked pictures of Charlize Theron at Famous Women Naked

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


De-throaned Beauty Queen Carrie Prejean, who lost her crown as Miss California after posing semi Nude, is now in court over her breast implants. No, they did not go bad, Carrie Prejean's breasts are still perfect in every way.

The reason for the Breast Induced lawsuit is who will pay for them. Apparently, California Carrie Prejean stiffed (no pun intended) pageant organizer K2 Productions over the cost of her breast implants. You see, Carrie Prejean requested the surgery "to be more competitive" at the April 2009 Miss USA pageant and verbally agreed to repay the K2 Breast loan.

Carrie Prejean was stripped of her Miss California crown June 10, 2009 for alleged contract violations. In response, Carrie Prejean sued pajeant organizers, accusing them of targeting her for a pageant answer she gave opposing gay marriage.

In their counter suit, K2 stated "Even before she became notorious for that answer and the ensuing media storm, Ms. Prejean was already causing difficulty. With her new-found notoriety, an inflated sense of self, and the lure of financial gain available to her, Ms. Prejean turned even further against the Miss California USA organization." K2 further went on to say "She attempts to cast herself as a virtuous young woman and the victim in a supposed conspiracy against her. Had she heeded the guidance of the Gospel of John, who admonished only those who are without sin to cast stones in judgment, she might have avoided this legal battle."

The K2 counter suit also accuses Carrie Prejean of missing events, lying about semi-nude photos, negotiating an unauthorized book deal and using her title without authorization to help promote the National Organization for Marriage's "campaign of intolerance" against gay marriage.

K2 has asked the court for the proceeds from Carrie Prejean's planned book to be put towards the Carrie Prejean Breast Debt.

An update on this Carrie Prejean saga has Carrie Prejean dropping the court case as a result of news regarding a Carrie Prejean sex tape out there. The Internet is a bizz with people searching for the Carrie Prejean sex tape stream or even the Carrie Prejean sextape download.

Carrie Prejean admits to making a sex tape with her ex boyfriend awhile back, claiming the Carrie Prejean sex tape was made when Carrie Prejean was 17 years old. The 17 Year old aspect hasn't stopped everyone from searching for the Carrie Prejean sex video stream or the Carrie Prejean sex video rapidshare download. I'm sure if the Carrie Prejean sex tape was out there you could find the Carrie Prejean sex tape download torrent out there.

Now the question of the day, how many times did I use the phrase Carrie Prejean sextape or something related to the Carrie Prejean sex tape in this article. Did I beat out all the other hacks promoting non-existant copies of the Carrie Prejean sex tape stream?






Saturday, October 17, 2009


"He didn't just cross a border, he crossed a galaxy!"

It seems the politically correct police have yet another celebration to attack, this time Halloween is taking a hit. Not from the church, as you would normally expect, today the attack is coming by way of Angelica Salas of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles. Speaking about Target's "ILLEGAL ALIEN HALLOWEEN COSTUME, Angelica Salas said It's
"distasteful, mean-spirited and ignorant of social stigmas and current debate on immigration reform."

Let's have a good ol' fashion Costume Burnin'!!!

Angelica Salas, who quite evidently is not fond of the Green Card carrying Orange Jump suit wearing Illegal Alien as she has asked target to remove the Illegal Alien Halloween costume from their website, one of several retailers carrying the Illegal Alien costume.

Amazon, for example, has the very same Illegal Alien costume for sale which you cn purchase through the link below. If you purchase the Illegal Alien Halloween costume through this link, It will be counted as a vote for freedom. At the end of the season, I will tally up the votes and post them on here.
"He's got his green card, but it's from another planet! Sure to get some laughs, the Illegal Alien Adult Costume includes an orange prison-style jumpsuit with 'Illegal Alien' printed on the front, an alien mask and a 'green card.'"


Alternatively, you could go for the more racially evident Illegal Alien Mask with hat Halloween Costume or even the "Hey Amigo" Halloween costume complete with donkey.

If, on the other hand, you prefer to stay on the other side of the law with your Halloween Costume idea's, check out the Sexy Border Guard Halloween Costume, she is sure to bust the Illegal Alien. Hey, this is a perfect combo halloween costume for a couple.

As for the Illegal Alien Halloween costume on Target's website, Angelica Salas seems to have gotten her way with them as Target spokesman Joshua Thomas told The Associated Press the company is removing the Illegal Alien Halloween costume after receiving several complaints.

If you really want to raise a stink this halloween, I know it isn't really a costume, but it could be considered an accessory. Check this shirt out, also available through Amazon. I know, a little tasteless, especially since Ugly Betty and ALF put a face to the plight of Illegal Aliens.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

BALLOON BOY "Story" causes stir around the Globe

Of all the stupid things on the internet, this one has to top the list. This is the story of Falcon Heene, who will forever be known as Balloon Boy because his father APPEARS TO BE an attention seeking media whore.

BALLOON BOY Story gets Media Attention

Even Meghan McCain, who is embroiled in her own Twitter Twitpic Tank top Breast "scandal" had this to say about the whole Balloon Boy Publicity stunt:
OK, at least I didn't dupe the media into thinking I flew away in a homemade balloon :-)

As the story goes, six year old Falcon Heene (Balloon Boy) of Larimer County Colorado was playing around in his fathers oversized home made balloon. Balloon Boy's father, Richard Heene, used the balloon to track the weather.

No strangers to seeking out the limelight, The Heene family had apparently previously appeared on the ABC reality show Wife Swap. ABC described them as a "storm-chasing, science-obsessed family".

Balloon Boy's father said he got angry with Falcon Heene (Balloon Boy) for climbing into a compartment in the tethered balloon on Thursday before the balloon was accidentally released. However, Falcon Heene (Balloon Boy) had left the balloon and hid in the attic of their garage because he was scared of his father. 'He yelled at me' said Balloon Boy in an interview after the Balloon landed in a field full of rescue workers without Balloon Boy in it.

The silver balloon, made by the Balloon Boy's father, reportedly reached heights of 7,000ft and floated about 40 miles north of Denver before it came down in a field full of rescuers, sans Balloon Boy.

When the Balloon landed, the basket was not attached to the balloon. Understandably, flights at Denver international airport were disrupted by the Balloon Boy incident.

As a result of this Balloon Boy incident a massive search and rescue operation was undertaked when it was thought Balloon Boy had been carried away by a helium balloon. After a 2 hour highly televised rescue operation, Falcon Heene (Balloon Boy) was discovered hiding in a box in his family's attic, after the balloon deflated and landed in a dirt field after a two-hour flight. Larimer county sheriff Jim Alderden told reporters that apparently Falcon Heene had "been there the whole time". "What he said was that he saw his brother climb into that apparatus and he was very adamant, they interviewed him multiple times and that was his consistent story," Mr Alderden said "I can't tell you how many times this has happened over the course of my career," he added.
The drama was played out on TV, with US networks devoting their airtime to live footage of the balloon over Colorado. After being found in the attic Balloon Boy said "I was in the attic and he scared me because he yelled at me, that's why I went in the attic."

Meghan McCain TwitPic Drama

"I would like to thank CNN for running a special segment on my twitphoto drama, you guys are #3 in the ratings for a reason"
Meghan McCain on the Twitpic "Scandal"
Wow, who ever knew a politicians daughter could be so fvcking sexy. Judging from the media response... well CNN, it must be politically incorrect to be sexy and the daughter of a politician. I'm not really all that into politics, but God damn, I would love to see Meghan McCain's political briefs. If this tanktop Twitter Picture of Meghan McCain is any indication of what lies below her usual pantsuit, I vote for Meghan McCain.

So what is the whole big deal on this Meghan McCain Twitter Tank top picture scandal anyways? Well, thank you for asking. It seems Meghan McCain was having a goofy night in on the 14th and she decided to post a picture of herself holding an Andy Warhol book and wearing a tank top. Well, apparently Meghan McCain showing a little cleavage is a bad thing. For fvck sakes people, so what if Meghan McCain is the daughter of a politician who lost the race for President of the United States. Fact of the matter is, Meghan McCain has nice tits and she isn't afraid to show them.

The part that shows a little lack of maturity on the part of Meghan McCain is her little rants on Twitter regarding the whole Meghan McCain Tank top twitpic fiasco. At one point, Meghan McCain was even talking about deleting her Twitter profile entirely.

"I am a slut, this is why I have been considering deleting my twitter account, what once was fun now just seems like a vessel for harassment I am going to take some more time to think about it..."

That is a quote directly from Meghan McCain's Twitter page. To see the entire rant as well as her back peddling check out the Meghan McCain Bloggette post on the whole Meghan McCain tank top Twitpic Twitter fiasco

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


A new celebrity sex tape is out, just in time for Christmas. This time Shauna Sand is the subject of the Shauna Sand sex video, which is scheduled for release on October 19. The 38-year-old Shauna Sand shot a number of sex tapes with her boyfriend and apparently sold one of them to a third party who then contacted Vivid.

Entitled "Shauna Sand Exposed", the Shauna Sand Sex Video features Shauna Sand in a number of sexual positions doing sexy things for her French boyfriend Antoine. The Shauna Sand Sex Video was shot in high-definition and has been called the hottest celebrity sex footage ever seen.

Speaking about the leaked Shauna Sand sex video, Shauna Sand said "Yes I did make a sex tape with my boyfriend earlier this year. In fact I've made several sex tapes, but I certainly didn't sign off on this and Vivid has no right to put it out. I am trying to get a hold of my attorney now."
On the topic of the Shauna Sand Sex Video, Vivid, the company releasing the Shauna Sand Sex Tape feels they are within their rights. "We were approached by a third party, who brought us footage of Shauna having sex with her current boyfriend and we were immediately interested in acquiring it." As for the legal position, Vivid says "We're comfortable with our legal position in releasing this movie..."

For more on Shauna Sand including completely uncensored screenshots from the Shauna Sand Sex Video

Once again, the Lawyer douche's have gotten in the way of some good not so clean fun. Apparently, someone took offence to the Pictures of Shauna Sand I posted and complained resulting in a Take down notice. Sucks to have our Monkey asses spanked.

Shauna Sand was born September 2, 1971 and is an American actress and Playboy model. Starting at age five, Sand studied ballet, jazz and theatre. At 11, she enrolled in The School of Creative and Performing Arts, and by 13 she received a dance scholarship with Ballet West in Salt Lake City, Utah.

SHAUNA SAND began modeling at the age of nine after being approached by a local photographer. She signed with the Elite/Petite agency, in New York, at the age of 15. She took time off from modeling and went to Paris and earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Business Administration from The American University of Paris and became fluent in French.

Sand submitted photos to Playboy's Los Angeles photo editors. She did a test shoot that Hugh Hefner approved and became the Playmate of the Month for May 1996.
Sand began her acting career with a guest appearance alongside future husband Lorenzo Lamas in his TV show Renegade.

After their divorce, she appeared in TV shows such as Charmed, and in movies such as the comedy The Deviants (2004).

Sand was married to actor Lorenzo Lamas from April 27, 1996, until their divorce on October 8, 2002. They have three daughters together: Alexandra (b. November 22, 1997), Victoria (b. April 24, 1999), and Isabella (b. February 2, 2001).

For more on Shauna Sand including completely uncensored screenshots from the Shauna Sand Sex Video

Monday, October 12, 2009

Michael Jackson This Is It - Listen to it here

And to think we thought we heard the last of the freeky one. Ya ok, I know it is bad to speak ill of the dead, the thing is, Michael Jackson was just so strange.
Ragardless, the marketing moguls behind the Movie "This is it" have just released a New Michael Jackson song entitled Michael Jackson "This is It".

Possibly eluding to his death, Michael Jackson's new single "This is it" features vocal backup by Jackson's brothers and the lyrics "This is it, here I stand/I'm the light of the world, I feel grand." The two-disc Michael Jackson album "This Is It" will be available in the U.S. on Oct. 27, the day before the release of the Michael Jackson documentary also entitled "Michael Jackson This Is It" on Oct. 28.

Shortly after the release of the Michael Jackson "This is It" Album, a vinyl version of Michael Jackson's new Single "This is Is" will be available on Vinyl starting on November 10th, 2009.

There is no report as to when Michael Jackson's new song "This is It" will be available for legal download, although I'm sure there are plenty of MICHAEL JACKSON THIS IS IT.Torrent downloads popping up all over the place.

For those who can't wait for the official release of Michael Jackson's new single "This is It" you can listen to it here


So for now at least, This is Not it for Michael Jackson, as the search for Michael Jackson This Is It Download continues all over the world.


Sunday, October 11, 2009



hit the news a couple of days ago, along with searches for naked toon pictures of Family Guy's Lois Griffin. Honestly, with all the female cartoons to choose from, why would Hef go for Marge Simpson in Playboy? Perhaps he feels a closer affilliation to the Blue haired.... sorry, that's all I've got.


Even the searches for Family Guy's Lois Griffin had me wondering what was wrong with society. Take away the fact these are cartoons and not real chicks, spanking over naked toons is just... um I dunno, kinda fvcked up?

I'm not saying I haven't also contemplated the whole Wilma vs Betty debate, but why choose? This is the modern day of sexual liberation, I say Threesome. Hell, why not add a third toon babe and bring in Jessica Rabbit. It's not as if this is real or anything. Hmmmm how about Jane Jetson, sort of the space slut highbred of Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble.

Of course, being the internet whore that I am, I decided to do a little more research into the topic and pulled a few pictures (pictures people) of some sexy female toons. I believe they call this Hentai. I couldn't believe the interest in the topic. So, in true blog whore style, I set up a blog dedicated to the perversion that is... Toon Spanking. So, for those interested in the whole Marge Simpson Playboy Spread and the Playboy Pictures of Marge Simpson, check out

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tea Cup Pigs - Barely enough for Breakfast

There seems to be an increased interest in pigs as pets. A few years back, the big thing was Pot Belly Pigs, this time around a British Breeder, who has appeared on the "Today" show, has reinvented them slightly and is now marketing miniature pigs as "Tea Cup Pigs"

At birth, Tea Cup Pigs weigh about 9 ounces. When fully grown, at age 2, Tea Cup Pigs are about 12 to 16 inches high and weigh approximately 65 pounds. About the size of a spaniel and big enough to crush the Tea Cup.

Some famous celebrities have Tea Cup Pigs as pets, these include George Clooney, whose had a potbellied pig named Max. Max, the Potbellied Pig died peacefully after a long and happy life just a few years ago.

I wonder when Paris Hilton will get herself a Tea Cup Pig... at least she won't have to spray paint it to match her wardrobe.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

DEMI MOORE BUSH PICS Cause another Internet stir

It seems the Tosh .0 NAKED PICTURES OF DEMI MOORES BUSH thing has hit Google's top 40 again. Speaking of Google Top 40, what ever happened to Google doing a top 100 search trends. It seems late last week they decided to go to a Top 40 format. Oh well, that was kind of off topic, but it is late and I have an excuse for stupidity.


Anyways, I had to get up to take care of a customer thing and what do I find? DEMI MOORE BUSH PIC in the top 40. Not only was the Search for NAKED DEMI MOORE BUSH PICTURES in the top 40, it was number fucking 1. Yes, everyone wants to see that mountainous mound of hair between Demi Moores legs, Circa some time in the 80's when big hair ruled the world. An innocent time before the Brazilian and the high fashion trend of tearing out pubic hairs by the roots.
I wonder if DEMI MOORE shaves her BUSH for the Kutch. Maybe she would want to look a little younger for her boy toy. I dunno, just a thought. Anyways, for those interested in seeing NAKED PICTURES OF DEMI MOORE's BUSH check out MILF PLANET as well as Planet Breast's Tribute to Demi Moore's Bush

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So You Think You Can Show Your Vagina TV

It seems either So You Think You Can Dance producers are blind or they simply wanted higher ratings. This weeks' ratings boost comes by the way of

So You Think You Can Dance Contestant 22036 Flashes her Crotch in appreciation towards the judges - Unfortunately our advertisers will not permit adult content, however, you can see the Uncensored So You Think You Can Dance Contestant 22036 Crotch flash video at Wardrobe Malfuntion Junction

So You Think You Can Dance Contestant number 22036 and her lack of panties and subsequent Crotch Flash.

Honestly, I don't know how someone managed to pick up on this one. I guess it is like the whole Mark Ballas Boner situation which happened in Dancing With The Stars. Someone was sitting too close to the TV with the remote control in hand.

Whatever the case, contestant # 22036 on Episode 4 of So You Think You Can Dance was caught with her panties down as she flashed viewers of Episode 4 of So You Think You Can Dance her Vagina or Crotch for those less clinical.

Unfortunately our advertisers will not permit adult content, however, you can see the Uncensored So You Think You Can Dance Contestant 22036 Crotch flash video at Wardrobe Malfuntion Junction

File under

So You Think You Can Dance Flash, so you think you can dance, so you think you can dance no panties, so you think you can dance crotch, so you think you can dance 22036, so you think you can dance panties, dancing with the stars no panties, dancing with the stars crotch, so you think you can dance flash, so you think you can dance, dancing with the stars wardrobe malfunction Dancing With The Stars Flash.