So You Think You Can Dance Wardrobe Malfunction

Monday, August 31, 2009


It has been awhile since we heard from ex St. Lucie Biology Teacher and Bikini Mate Tiffany Shepherd. Last time TIFFANY SHEPHERD had any sort of media coverage was when she was trying to start up a non-profit support group for single mothers called M-I-L-F. Ya, you read right, TIFFANY SHEPHERD cleverly (or not so cleverly) used it as an acronym for Mothers In Need of Loving Friends. Ya I know, I'm sure the government officials really wanted MILF on their books.... Added to all those senator sex scandals, that one works great around election time.

Anyways, onto the topic at hand, what happened to TIFFANY SHEPHERD? Well, aside from a number of unfortunate personal issued which I will not get into with respect to her privacy, TIFFANY SHEPHERD ran into some financial trouble and needed money to pay for the Lawyer in her messy divorce case. So, what is a hot chick with a rockin' bod to do?

Well, about a year back, TIFFANY SHEPHERD turned down a reported offer from Playboy Magazine to pose nude for them, so that is out of the question. Well, she could always adopt a porn name and star in XXX Adult Porno VIDEO'S... Enter LEAH LUST.

Yes, TIFFANY SHEPHERD is now starring in XXX ADULT PORNO VIDEO's as LEAH LUST. Some roles have included a Teacher (How appropriate) a Horny wife and something to do with a porn horror flick.

I know some of you are probably condemning the now single mom for her actions, the thing is, she did seem to give it a very hard, if not somewhat misguided try. Apparently, prior to signing up for the LEAH LUST gig, TIFFANY SHEPHERD gave it a soldiers try. Sending out well over 2000 resume's to various places, including prisons, TIFFANY SHEPHERD could not seem to get a break in this tough economy.

TIFFANY SHEPHERD even tried her hand at an online business. She started a website called "Smokin hot Tiffany" where she was selling Lingerie for women with big boobs. I don't know, personally, I think she should have done a little research into the market.

Whatever the case, TIFFANY SHEPHERD has given up the Lab coat for LEAH LUST, the Beaker for the Donker. This move has ex students and various internet porn fans searching for XXX ADULT PORN VIDEO's OF TIFFANY SHEPHERD AS LEAH LUST. Shit, with this kind of attention, and the right management, TIFFANY could have gone far. Unfortunately it never happened and now she is honking on Bobo for bucks.

For more pictures and information PICTURES and VIDEO CLIPS of TIFFANY SHEPHERD AKA LEAH LUST check out "her" blog at



I found the download for the video TIFFANY SHEPHERD - LEAH LUST PORNO DOWNLOAD

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Model Kathleen Neill Arrested for posing for Art

New York model Kathleen Neill was arrested for indecent exposure in response to her dropping trou in the New York Museum of Modern Art. The stunt was for a photo shoot by photograher Zach Hymen, who is getting alot of attention for his business as well as his showing. On the topic of the Private Parts of People, Zach Hymen was quoted as saying they are the "one of the unifying aspects of being human."

This is not the first time Zach Hymen has been in the news, last month he made headlines as he photographed a naked model in the New York Subway. One would hope the beurocrats in New York will realize this photoshoot is art and as there is nothing more appropriate than Art in a Museum of Art.

Way to go Zach, I checked out your website and your work is quite impressive. I am not just saying that because I like seeing pictures of Naked Chicks. I am looking forward to seeing the Naked Pictures of Kathleen Neill.

Related Links

Naked Pictures of Kathleen Neill
Zach Hymen's website

Monday, August 24, 2009



Once again, Miss Venezuela, Stefania Fernandez has been crowned Miss Universe. This was the first time in History there have been back to back wins for Venezuela, and probably any country. I guess Donald Trump likes his South American Women, as clearly demonstrated by his current wife... whats her tits.

The 18 Year old Stefania Fernandez will sped a year living it up in the lap of luxury while travelling the world promoting HIV/AIDS awareness.

There were alot of hot and sexy women in the Miss Universe 2009 pageant and Miss Venezuela, Stefania Fernandez. I wonder how many people are searching for Stephanie Fernandez or even Stefanie Fernandes. Of course there is the accent mark above... ah one of the letters in her name. Who cares, I'm babbling, I guess I am distracted by Miss Universe 2009, Stefania Fernandez's breast. hmmmm yummy. OK, where is muh box of Kleenex, I give Stephania 10 out of 10 Monkey's on the Spankableity scale

Check out Planet Breasts Tribute to Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mmmmm Yummy, Kimberley Conrad. Oh ya, by the way, she is suing Hugh Hefner

Miss January 2008, and Ex Mrs Hefner, KIMBERLY CONRAD is suing her estranged husband, Hugh Hefner for 5 Million Bucks USD. Apparently KIMBLEREY CONRAD is pissed because Hugh Hefner decided to sell the house her and her two sons are living in.
As the story goes, when their marriage broke up nine years ago, Kimberly Conrad and Hugh Hefner decided not to get a divorce, instead, KIMBERLEY CONRAD and her sons moved into a house, owned by Hefner, adjacent to the Playboy Mansion.

Problems arose when Hugh Hefner decided to sell the house 9 months ago and subsequently evict his estranged wife Kimberley Conrad and the two sons they had together. According to Hefner, he feels he is not required to honour the agreement.

Since getting separated from Hugh Hefner, Kimberley Conrad has been seen with Quincy Jones. Of course, Hugh Hefner has been seen with many women and is currently with... three??? I lost count. Lucky bastard. I guess he must own shares in Viagra.

For some completely uncensored pictures of the sexy KIMBERLEY CONRAD Nekid in all her glory, check out Playboy Picture Gallery

Saturday, August 22, 2009


It seems the Marriott Hotel in Hawaii is harvesting Email addresses, as well as Facebook and Twitter accounts. The rouse being a weekly giveaway of some trip to Hawaii. Marriott Resorts Hawaii is marking Hawaii's 50th anniversary of statehood with a "Tweet Yourself to Hawaii" online campaign that uses social media to give away trips the islands.

The campaign seems to have been kicked off with a massive hit on Google's hot trends. In my opinion, the surge in popularity seems to be largly controlled as it spiked at about 4AM PST and then suddenly dropped to nothing. With a contest like this, you would think they would pick a term like "Tweet yourself to Hawaii" to promote. strangely enough, they went for Marriott Hawaii. Perhaps they were looking for more bang for their buck. Use something generic like that and bloggers will likely think something happened at the Marriott Hotel in Hawaii.

As for the Marriott Hawaii Tweet Yourself to Hawaii contest... I'll pass. Perhaps they will serve some Canned ham at the party. :P

Friday, August 21, 2009

JenniCam - The start of an Era

Without even knowing it, or maybe it was in her plans all along, Jennifer Ringley started society down the road of reality TV. From the day of it's start-up, in April 1996, JenniCam was an unscripted look into the life of Jennifer Ringley, a Sexy College student attending Dickinson College.
At first, Jennifer Ringley blocked JenniCam during her intimate moments. After awhile she realized everyone wanted to see her naked so all holds were lifted. Jennifer Ringley was soon seen masturbating and having sex, live on JenniCam. Viewers flocked to JenniCam, hoping to catch a glimpse into the life of this sexy college student.

Soon after, Jennifer Ringley started to charge for access to certain parts of her site. Paid members would get faster refresh rates.

Upon completion of college, Jennifer Ringley continued JenniCam for a number of years until she shut it down in December of 2003.

For a gallery of Uncensored nude pictures of Jennifer Ringley from her JenniCam days, visit Planet Breast

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kelly Clarkson Photo Scandal?

The photo scandals do not seem to be slowing down as the week progresses. This time, there is an apparent Kelly Clarkson photo scandal. A few weeks ago, there was some issue about Kelly Clarkson being pregnant, not it is some sort of Kelly Clarkson Photo Scandal.

I will be the first to admit, I had a bit of a boner for Kelly Clarkson when she won American Idol, way back when. Then she came out with that stupid movie "From Justin To Kelly". Soon after that fiasco, Kelly Clarkson started trying to sound like Avril Levigne.

Since that time, Kelly Clarkson has continued to plump out and loose her sexy factor. Maybe it was the make-up, maybe Kelly Clarkson is just getting old and road worn but I am really wondering what people are looking for in a Kelly Clarkson Picture Scandal. Perhaps Naked Pictures of Kelly Clarkson?

Related Links

Kelly Clarkson at Planet Breast
Uncensored Leaked Ashley Greene Pictures
Erin Andrews Peephole Video
Vanessa Hudgens Naked again not Vanessa Hutchins as todays searchers seem to think

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ashley Greene Joins the list of Leaked photo's sex scandals and celebrity pooters

I don't know if there is something in the Hollywood water, but this has few weeks has been on fire for leaked naked pictures and videos of celebrities so much so, I am actually starting to forget the names of those involved.

Of course, how could we forget, the Erin Andrews peeping tom video. Unlike most of the leaked sex tapes and cell phone pictures, I really do feel a little sorry for Erin Andrews in this who Erin Andrews Peephole video fiasco. As Erin Andrews said in a 911 call where she was reporting a barage of Paparazzi outside her window, she really didn't do anything wrong. Unlike most sex tapes and naked pictures where it is the subject of the picture or video who is directly involved or has explicit knowledge of the picture being taken of video being shot, Erin Andrews was completely unaware of the invasion of her privacy.

Prior to this, there was of course the Paris Hilton sex tape, which really started the whole sex tape thang. This was so popular, even my wife got curious enough to enter her credit card number in order to download the video. Apparently, she believed the whole "It is just to verify your age" $10,000 in fraudulent charges later, she learned her lesson.

Back on topic, more recently, Vanessa Hudgens and her leaked naked pictures were also the topic of internet searches. These pictures were once again apparently taken for her boyfriend Zak Efron (or however it is spelled.) One has to wonder if this chick will ever learn, it wasn't even a year ago when another set of naked Vanessa Hudgens pictures hit the internet. Back then, Vanessa Hudgens was about to shoot another Disney High School Musical so she was quick to appologise saying she "learned from her mistake" Apparently not, either that, or the lesson she learned was "Naked Pictures leaked on the internet = mass amounts of media attention. Perhaps this is what the budding wannabe popstar wanted. After all, who wouldn't want young girl wouldn't want to appreciate the levels of success of other pop harlets like Britney Spears.

It has only been a few days since the Vanessa Hudgens leaked naked pictures and we are yet again bombed with searches for leaked naked pictures of Ashley Greene. The leaked naked pictures of Ashley Greene hit the internet last night and have been at the top of Googles internet searches since. In the 10 hours since the leak of the naked Ashley Greene photo's , a blog showing the uncensored naked pictures of Ashley Greene has seen visitors in excess of 3,000.

According to some reports, Lawyers of Ashley Greene are already working hard on trying to get these leaked pictures of Ashley Greene off the internet. Citing these pictures were illegally obtained, Ashley Greene's lawyers are drumming up more attention for the nude pictures of Ashley Greene. One has to wonder if they really think they will be able to get the naked pics of Ashley Greene off the internet, or if this Ashley Greene photo scandal is more of a publicity scandal intended to drum up attention for the starlette.

Related Links

Uncensored Leaked Ashley Greene Pictures
Erin Andrews Peephole Video
Vanessa Hudgens Naked again

File under

ashley greene scandal pictures greene scandal, ashley greene pictures, ashley greene scandal photos, ashley greene photos

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Chelsea Clinton - 40 goats and 20 cows... and a Cigar

So what is the daughter of an Ex-President of the United States worth? Well, according to Godwin Kipkemoi Chepkurgor of Kenya, 40 Goats and 20 Cows is a fair enough offer for the hand of Chelsea Clinton in Marriage.

Godwin Kipkemoi Chepkurgor first made the dowry offer nine years ago, in proper form, to Chelsea Clinton's father Bill Clinton. Godwin Kipkemoi Chepkurgor renewed his request for the hand of Cleasea Clinton in Marriage on Thursday after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was asked about the proposal at a Nairobi town hall session.

Although the audience laughed, after a few seconds of thought, Hilary Clinton was quick to reply in true diplomatic form "She's very independent," she said. "So I will convey this very kind offer."

In an interview with CNN, Godwin Kipkemoi Chepkurgor spoke highly of Chelsea Clinton saying Chelsea Clinton is a "beautiful, disciplined and well-natured woman. Of course I have never met her, but I like her family and how they stick together, I've waited for a long time. I'm still waiting to meet her and express my love for her." Godwin further went on to say "My wife has no problem with this," he insisted. "She listened to the answers given by Hillary and did not complain."

Here is the Video of Hilary Clinton responding to the Dowry question.

Chelsea Clintons' Kenyan suiter, Godwin Kipkemoi Chepkurgor, operates a small electronics and computer shop in Nakuru, a major city northwest of Nairobi. He may still be waiting for Chelsea Clinton, but he's not exactly single. He married his wife Grace, a college classmate, in 2006.

All that aside, so if Chelsea Clinton were to accept Godwin's proposal, who would cover shipping and handling... of the goats and cows?

Thinking about this, I would like to toss my hat into the Ring. Mr. Bill, I hereby call Godwin's kind offer of 40 goats and 20 cows and raise him 1 Cigar.

So do you prefer Dad, Pop, or just plain Bill?

Friday, August 7, 2009


PHOTOS! The Heidi Montag Playboy pictures are done and everyone seems to be waiting with baited breath to see Naked Pictures of Heidi Montag in Playboy Magazine. The Heidi Montag Playboy pics will be available sometime in 2009 and are reportedly not even nude. I guess that would explain the mere $ 500,000 price tag Heidi Montag pulled in for posing for Playboy.

According to insiders in the Heidi Montag / Playboy camp the Heidi Montag Playboy pictorial will be provocative but clothed. Bummer Dude!!! I was quite looking forward to seeing more naked pictures of Heidi Montag.

For more UNCENSORED pictures of Heidi Montag, check out Planet Breast

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Looking quite abit more attractive than her previous naked picture release, the internet is a flurry with activity over the newly "leaked" NAKED PICTURES OF VANESSA HUDGENS. An official response from the VANESSA HUDGENS came has not yet come forward, if it is anything like the last one, VANESSA HUDGENS will say "It was a lapse in judgement and I have learned from the experience." Honestly, I really don't give a crap whether what she learned. Perhaps it was, naked pictures make for good media attention. Of course VANESSA HUDGENS could end up looking more like a skank than an appropriate roll model for children. One has to wonder if Disney will be doing another High School Musical and if they plan on using VANESSA HUDGENS in it.

Last time VANESSA HUDGENS was caught in a NUDE PICTURE PHOTO SCANDAL, Disney accepted her apology and moved on to include her in their upcoming High School Musical 3. "Vanessa has apologized for what was obviously a lapse in judgment. We hope she's learned a valuable lesson." said a rep for Disney on the subject of the NUDE VANESSA HUDGENS PICTURE SCANDAL.
Whatever the case, the NAKED PICTURES OF VANESSA HUDGENS are all over the internet. Most of them are, however, censored. I guess some people are still unclear on whether VANESSA HUDGENS is legal. I did a little research, and although VANESSA HUDGENS does look quite young, she is definately of legal age and free game to have her NAKED PICTURES of herself posted all over the Internet. Unfortunately, our advertisers do not allow for Adult oriented content. Our big brother blog, Famous Women Naked does however have the entire set of NAKED PICTURES OF VANESSA HUDGENS available for your spanking perusal. Find them here UNCENSORED NAKED PICTURES OF VANESSA HUDGENS

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I guess domestic chores are hot, particularly when they are done by a sexy MILF Cougar by the name of Demi Moore, or in this case Demi Kutcher, since she did legally change it after getting married to Ashton Kutcher.
A few weeks back, everyone was searching for pictures of Demi Moore's Bush, this time it is a Twitter Picture of Demi Moore ironing that Ashton Kutcher posted on his Twitter page. With all the naked pictures of Demi Moore floating around the internet, it is strange that people would be overly interested in a picture of Demi Moore ironing. As far as this ass picture, how can anyone really tell if it is of Demi Moore or not?
I did find a Twitter conversation between Ashton Kutcher and hos wife Demi Moore Kutcher which eluded to a threat to show the world a picture of Demi Moore's nipples. Either way, if it is Naked Pictures of Demi Moore you are after, check out Planet Breast

Monday, August 3, 2009

MEGAN HAUSERMAN WANTS A MILLIONAIRE... But he doesn't have to be Rich????

In February 2009, Megan Hauserman stated in an interview that filming of Megan Wants a Millionaire has begun, and Brandi Cunningham (Brandi C.) will have a large role in the show as well. Megan Hauserman states in the interview that she is looking for "a mature guy that can handle me and doesn't cry" and states "He doesn't have to be rich; he has to be stable." Megan Hauserman said she is taking Megan Wants a Millionaire seriously, it will be "very real". Megan Wants a Millionaire is set to air August 2, 2009 on VH1.

Playboy Cybergirl Megan Hauserman has managed to make a career out of starring in Reality TV Shows, first Megan Hauserman was a winning contestant on the third season of Beauty and the Geek along with her partner Alan "Scooter" Zackheim.

In February 2007, Megan Hauserman revealed in an exclusive interview that she would spend her half of the money: "I’m going to go to Disneyland and go on vacation, and get my hair done." However, during a phone interview in September 2008, Megan Hauserman was asked what she had done with the Beauty and the Geek money and Megan Hauserman said she put all of it, $125,000, towards her mortgage.

After that Megan Hauserman was eliminated in the ninth episode of Rock of Love because Brett Michaels never felt a real "connection" with her, leaving Megan Hauserman in fifth place.

After her Rock of Love failure, Megan Hauserman was a contestant on the first season of VH1's I Love Money, a reality show where 17 former contestants from Rock of Love, Flavor of Love, and I Love New York compete for a $250,000 cash prize. Megan Hauserman appeared on all fourteen episodes of the first season and is featured at the center of the season one poster.

On the first episode when Megan Hauserman was asked what she would do with the money if she won the competition, she stated that she wants to help "mentally challenged" dogs, and that she adopted a mentally challenged dog, a chihuahua named Lily. Megan Hauserman quit the competition in the thirteenth episode (the finale) when it was revealed that Megan Hauserman would have to face a jury of former contestants whom she had a part in eliminating.

Megan Hauserman finished the competition in third place. Megan Hauserman stated in her exit interview that she was happy with her decision to quit not only because it stopped her contestants from getting the satisfaction of payback, but also that she was happy that she stopped everyone she didn't want to win the money and that she was satisfied with whoever won the money in the top three. Megan Hauserman also stated that she never thought that she would win the money, and that she came simply to have fun and play the game to the best of her ability. On the I Love Money reunion special, Megan Hauserman said that there were no rules opposing the way she played the game, so she used her brain to out-smart people, because it was her given talent.

Megan Hauserman was a contestant in VH1's Rock of Love: Charm School, a reality show where 14 former Rock of Love contestants must learn to abandon their improper old ways and develop proper etiquette in order to compete for $100,000 and the title, Charm School Queen. The show premiered October 12, 2008 and is hosted by Sharon Osbourne. Megan Hauserman appeared on seven of the twelve episodes, despite getting expelled in the fourth episode for kicking fellow classmate, and later winner, Brandi Mahon. Megan Hauserman finished in tenth place.
Megan Hauserman has filed a lawsuit against Sharon Osbourne, claiming battery, negligence and infliction of emotional distress, over an incident occurring during the taping of the twelfth episode, the reunion special, after Megan Hauserman made derogatory comments about Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne

Related Links

Naked Megan Hauserman Playboy Pictures

Naked Pictures of Brandi Cunningham - Brandi C