So You Think You Can Dance Wardrobe Malfunction

Sunday, May 31, 2009


KIM KARDASHIAN seems to be back on top again... well on top of the internet searches that is. So what, you may ask, is the talentless hack up for this time? Well nothing really new except for maybe a renewed interest in seeing the KIM KARDASHIAN SEX TAPE. The thing is, I've seen the tape and, honestly, it is no screaming hell. Fact of the matter is, this sex tape is no more a candid internet release than PARIS HILTON showing up at some random bar without getting paid to do so.

Like her fairweather friend PARIS HILTON, KIM KARDASHIAN is nothing more that an attention whore. The more she is in the media the wetter her 'gina gets. So why all this attention on the spoiled little Armenian princess? Honestly, I really don't know.

As for the KIM KARDASHIAN SEX TAPE, Kim Kardashian languished in relative obscurity until 2001 when the SEX TAPE was released involving, of course, KIM KARDASHIAN and rapper Ray J. When KIM KARDASHIAN realized the sex tape had gone public, KIM KARDASHIAN was mortified unable to believe that Ray J would betray her to make money off the KIM KARDASHIAN SEX TAPE. KIM KARDASHIAN sued Vivid Video and won her lawsuit in April 2007. KIM KARDASHIAN was awarded five million dollars which set her well on her way to wherever she is right now.

Related Links


The KARDASHIAN SISTERS A page of sexy pictures


Everything you didn't want to know about PARIS HILTON

Friday, May 29, 2009


17 year old Romanian tennis sensation SIMONA HALEP is getting alot of attention lately which is not a difficult thing to have happen considering the 17 year old SIMONA HALEP is sporting 34DD BREASTS. Born in Constantza, Romania, the 17 year old busty SIMONA HALEP is ranked 317th in the world and already being compared to tennis star Anna Kournikova.

More recently, SIMONA HALEP has hit the news more because of her ample BREASTS as opposed to her future in tennis. You see, the 34DD SIZED BREASTS OF SIMONA HALEP are getting in her way, while playing tennis. It is reported SIMONA HALEP has booked a date for her BREAST REDUCTION SURGERY, although the date and future SIZE OF SIMONA HALEP's BREASTS is unknown, SIMONA HALEP has been reported as saying "This fall I'll have a breast reduction operation. The breasts make me uncomfortable when I play. It's the weight that troubles me - my ability to react quickly."

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Over a week after the grand finale of AMERICAN IDOL, the KARA DIOGUARDI DUET WITH BIKINI GIRL KATRINA DARRELL hit the top 100 in Googles hot trends. Who can blame the public because during her DUET WITH BIKINI GIRL KATRINA DARRELL, KARA DIOGUARDI STRIPPED OFF HER TOP TO EXPOSE A SEXY BLACK BIKINI. AMERICAN IDOL JUDGE KARA DIOGUARDI BLOG definately proved she has the stuff in both talent and beauty as she took over the stage from wannabe KATRINA DARRELL.


Grand Finale of American Idol review


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american idol voting controversy, american idol scandal 2009, american idol scandal, american idol voting scandal 2009, idol scandal 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So this ex stripper becomes a teachers aid then she gets a bunch of highschool kids drunk and shows them her pooter. Aside from ABBIE JANE SWOGGER being kinda fugly I don't see the big deal.. Ya, ok they were minors and it appears she got them drunk and stoned. In addition they were under age and it appears she had sex with them.

Whatever the case, ABBIE JANE SWOGGER is up on charges and everyone seems to want to see NAKED PICTURES OF MARY JANE SWONGGER


One of the hot search topics today caught my interest. At first I thought SEXUAL POSITIONS FOR MARRIED COUPLES was more of a joke. You know, married couples don't have sex thing. Anyways, I did a little bit of searching and came up with an interesting little article. Nothing most of us don't really know and as far as SEXUAL POSITIONS FOR MARRIED COUPLES go, it isn't really all that descriptive but it does go into HOW TO HAVE THE WOMAN REACH CLIMAX citing THREE TIPS FOR HELPING A WOMAN REACH ORGASM

Here is the article

Give Her Mind Blowing Orgasms Every Single Time - 3 Proven Sex Techniques

When it comes to giving women mind blowing orgasms every single time there are a variety of different sex techniques that will help you accomplish just that. In this article we will go over 3 proven sex techniques that will give her mind blowing orgasms every single time.

The first and most important thing you can do when it comes to giving a woman a mind blowing orgasm each and every time is spending a lot of time in the sexual foreplay aspects before moving on to more intimate activities. Basically, the longer you can go without actually touching or stimulating her breasts or vaginal area the more she is going to want you to which will lead to a better sexual experience for her. Sexual foreplay is your opportunity to help the woman relax and get comfortable which are very important when it comes to giving women the kind of mind blowing orgasms that you want to give her.

The next proven sex technique is actually a combination of two of the most effective ways to help a woman climax.
First, after the woman that you are with becomes highly aroused apply G Female Stimulating Gel or any of the other high quality female arousal creams and gels underneath the hood of her clitoris which will greatly enhance her pleasure.
Next, you are going to want to move into a variety of different sexual positions in which the woman is on top which will allow you to continue to stimulate her clitoris while she finds the right rhythm and position on top of you so that she can hit her G-Spot.

Last but not least, you are going to want to last longer in bed as most women cant have an orgasm during intercourse if the session ends too quickly. In the end, as long as you make sure to spend some quality time in the sexual foreplay aspects of the experience and use G Female Stimulating Gel once she is highly aroused you will find that giving her the kind of mind blowing orgasms that you desire to give her to be a relatively easy process.

Article Source:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

COCAINE RED BULL - "It Gives you Wings"

RED BULL sales in North American are going to spike since GERMANY BANNED RED BULL ENERGY DRINKS since they found trace amounts of COCAINE IN RED BULL. I guess RED BULL wasn't joking when they said "It gives you wings".

If you are looking for WHERE TO BUY RED BULL COLA, I have included some links below where you can get either a 16 or 20 Pack before COCAINE LACED RED BULL COLA becomes completely banned.

here is the original article about COCAINE IN RED BULL COLA

Six German states have told retailers to stop selling Red Bull Cola energy drinks after a test found a trace amount of cocaine.

The bans started Friday after a sample test conducted by authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia state found 0.4 micrograms per liter in the drink.

Five other states also banned it from shops amid concerns over possible narcotics law violations.

Germany's Federal Institute for Risk Assessment said Monday that the cocaine level was too low to pose a health risk. It planned to produce a more detailed report Wednesday.

Red Bull said its cola is "harmless and marketable in both the U.S. and Europe." It said similar coca leaf extracts are used worldwide as flavoring, and a test it commissioned itself found no cocaine traces.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


The latest news has TIFFANY SHEPHERD joining the illustrious team of babes at the TAMPA BREEZE.
It seems TIFFANY has taken the lemon of being fired from her dream job as a teacher in the St. Lucie FLA school district and made some wonderful tasting lemonade. Not only has the sexy TIFFANY SHEPHERD started her own online business selling lingerie for women with big bouncy boobs, she is also giving back to the community through her Single Mothers Help group M.I.L.F. (Mothers In need of Loving Friends.)

If that wasn't enough, TIFFANY SHEPHERD is looking into a modelling careeer, so if anyone knows of anyone looking for a sexy hot model with big hooties, she is in the market.

Recent news also has TIFFANY SHEPHERD trying out for the TAMPA BREEZE finally getting a divorce in a couple of weeks and getting married to some Edwin guy in November. For his sake, I sure hope he treats Tiffany right, as I'm sure she will have many other offers on the table. We wish you luck Tiff.

Related Links

For more on the Sexy St Lucie Biology Teacher visit the TIFFANY SHEPHERD BLOG

Friday, May 22, 2009


The Internet seems to be buzzing with "news" of a 37 year old CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR who was jailed for breach of probation and theft of service warrants for charges originating back in 2006.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR seems to be claiming she is pregnant with the baby of Dallas Mavericks star DIRK NOWITZKI to whom CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR is also reportidly engaged to.

Here is the story behind the CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR PICTURE SEARCH

(AP) — DALLAS - A lawyer for Dirk Nowitzki says he doubts CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's claim that she is pregnant with the Dallas Mavericks star's baby.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR, 37, told The Dallas Morning News in an interview from jail this week that Nowitzki was her fiance and that she learned she was pregnant after CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR was arrested at his house on a probation violation and theft of services warrants.

Robert Hart, Nowitzki's Dallas-based lawyer, said in a statement released to on Thursday, "If in the remote instance there is any validity to this CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's claim of pregnancy, Dirk will do whatever can be done to ensure the well-being of the child."

Don Duesler, Taylor's court-appointed lawyer, declined to comment on the CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR pregnancy issue. CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR, who authorities say has at least eight aliases, remained in jail in Beaumont on Friday.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR said in a telephone interview with the Morning News that she and Nowitzki were to be married in July. CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR said she learned of her pregnancy after getting tested when admitted to the Dallas jail, but Hart said "we have been told" that she hadn't received a pregnancy test.

Privacy laws prevent officials from releasing medical records. Dallas County jail officials say pregnancy tests are not automatically given to prisoners but are sometimes administered if the prisoner's statements or pre-existing conditions warrant them.

After CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's arrest on May 6, a woman identifying herself as CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's best friend was telling media outlets that CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR was pregnant with Nowitzki's baby. That, Hart's statement says, raises questions about the claim CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR learned she was pregnant at the jail.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR told the newspaper that she'd lived with Nowitzki for the last two years.

"I've known Dirk for seven years-and, no, I didn't tell him everything about my past because I was afraid," CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR said. "But I mean, now I'm pregnant and alone and broke because he is my only source of income."

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR told the newspaper that Nowitzki changed his phone numbers after her arrest.

Nowitzki has declined to answer questions about his relationship with CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR, but has said he's "going through a tough time in my personal life." The Mavericks said Nowitzki left Dallas for Germany on Thursday.

Hart did not immediately return a message left by The Associated Press on Friday.

The Morning News said it didn't publish CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's interview until after a phone conversation with one of her attorneys, St. Louis-based Amy Gervich. The newspaper said that when Taylor said she was carrying Nowitzki's child, Gervich told the newspaper: "Oh, OK. That's OK." Gervich refused comment to The Associated Press on Friday.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR was indicted in 2006 on a theft of services charge for failing to pay a Beaumont dentist for dental work ranging from $1,500 to $20,000 CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR received in 2004. CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR has a $50,000 bond set on the theft of services charge, but was also arrested for a probation violation out of St. Charles County, Missouri and is being held without bond on that charge.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR pleaded guilty in 1999 to two counts of forgery and two counts of felony stealing after being accused of passing bad checks through a bank. CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR had multiple five-year prison sentences suspended, Missouri prosecutors have said.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It is not surprising since US Olympian SHAWN JOHNSON WON DANCING WITH THE STARS LAST NIGHT that todays hot serch trends rotate around PICTURES OF SHAWN JOHNSON IN A BIKINI and SEXY PICTURES OF SHAWN JOHNSON. The thing people seem to be forgetting (or maybe not) SHAWN JOHNSON has not yet graduated from highschool.

I guess main stream media, marketing consultants, managers, TV Producers and of course SHAWN JOHNSON's parents have effectively narrowed the gap between acceptable and perversion by putting a 17 year old child on the stage with her breasts close to hanging out. It is no small wonder how SHAWN JOHNSON's dance partner Mark Ballas had a hard time keeping it in his pants a few weeks ago when he was sporting an obvious erection over his jailbait partner SHAWN JOHNSON (See MARK BALLAS ERECTION)

Add to this the freekbag stalker who was slammed with a restraining order after he broke into the DANCING WITH THE STARS set to see SHAWN JOHNSON, all because he felt the teenaged star was "Talking to him through the TV set". Of course that situation most likely involves a lapse in medication, the fact remains, SHAWN JOHNSON is being rapidly pushed into the adult world and the search terms are proof. One has to wonder when SHAWN JOHNSON will get her silicon boobs and when she will have a Britney Spearsesque breakdown.

For those of you still interested in SEXY PICTURES OF SHAWN JOHNSON

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


AH, just the thing I love to wake up to, PICTURES OF MARY LOUISE PARKER SHOWING OFF HER BIG NIPPLES. At least that is how everyone in search world is putting it. However it is said, MARY LOUISE PARKER did show off her NAKED NIPPLES on last nights episode of WEEDS. Apparently MARY LOUISE is not all that pleased about having PICTURES OF HER NAKED NIPPLES all over cyber space.

Of course, MARY LOUISE PARKER knew this would happen when she was "goaded" into doing a nude scene on Weeds. ‘ I wish I hadn’t done that. I was goaded into it”, says MARY LOUISE PARKER on the whole MARY LOUISE PARKER NIPPLE PICTURE thing.



Saturday, May 16, 2009

DEBORAH GIBSON - More Adult just as Sexy

A few months back, you may remember me doing a post about some NAKED PICTURES OF DEBBIE GIBSON I found, well today is not all that much different with the impending release of DEBORAH GIBSON IN MEGA SHARK VS GIANT OCTOPUS. So what does this have to do with Naked pictures or even monkey's, for that matter. Well, although 80's Pop starlett and playboy model DEBBIE GIBSON is now going by DEBORAH GIBSON, we still have the mamories (intentianal) and we thank both DEBORAH GIBSON and DEBBIE GIBSON for those.

In addition to the hype around the DEBORAH GIBSON MOVIE MEGA SHARK VS GIANT OCTOPUS, DEBORAH GIBSON is also going to be starring in DANCING WITH THE STARS comding to a TV set near you. Check out the movie here MEGA SHARK VS GIANT OCTOPUS
To see the full set of naked Debbie Gibson Playboy pictures

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kleenex Time OLIVIA WILDE is on the stage

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Stuffin' Martha's Muffin - A tribute to MARTHA QUINN

Ah, remember MARTHA QUINN, that pixiesque MTV VJ fromt he 80's, well if you really want to feel old, realise she is 50 today. I know, the thought of wanking to a picture of a 50 year old isn't all that appealing...

Here are some MARTHA QUINN facts

MARTHA QUINN was born on 11 May 1959
When MTV debuted in 1981, MARTHA QUINN was one of the five original veejays.
The other four were:
Nina Blackwood,
Mark Goodman,
J.J. Jackson, and
Alan Hunter.

MARTHA QUINN hosted MTV's "Rockline", which premiered on 26 May 1991.
MARTHA QUINN is a vegetarian, and had serious thought about giving up her leather jacket.
MARTHA QUINN is the "Martha" in Mojo Nixon's song, "Stuffin' Martha's Muffin".
Filmography: Dangerous Curves (1988)
Brady Bunch sequel (1989)
Tapeheads (1989)
Chopper Chicks in Zombietown (1990)
Motorama (1991)
Bad Channels (1992)
And of course, those MARTHA QUINN Neutrogena commercials

Stuffin' Martha's Muffin - Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper

Yeah man I know y'all be checking out on MTV there, and you see Mojo Nixon and
Skid Roper on MTV? Noooooo! So I said "Man I gotta do something about this." So
I called 'em up man I called up MTV in New York and I said, "Uh, yo, this is Mojo Nixon,
can I speak to MARTHA QUINN?" They said "MARTHA QUINN? Yeah, here she is!"
"H-h-hell-hello Mojo, th-th-this is Martha Quinn, what can I do for you?" I said
"Martha, Martha baby, how'm I gonna get on MTV?" She said "Mojo, you're too nasty,
you're too, you're always talking about masturbation, and fornication, you're never gonna
get on MTV that way, Mojo." I said "oh Martha," I said "MARTHA QUINN, mmm I wanna be
doing some sin with ya MARTHA QUINN. I wanna be gettin' in MARTHA QUINN!" I said
"I wanna be stuffin' Martha's muffin!"


In 1986 okay, all across the USA
In 1986 oh no, I got to rock I got to roll, hit me

Alright brothers and sisters, friends of the revolution, what we're gonna do right here is a little singing, a little call and response, a little sing along, a little I say it then you say it, a little repeat after me, here we go:

Get away from me (get away from me)
I don't want to see (I don't want to see)
No MTV (no MTV)
I said Music Television (Music Television)
Should be covered in jism (should be covered in jism)
I said Music Television (Music Television)
Should be covered in jism (should be covered in jism)

Oh Martha baby, I wanna be stuffin' Martha's muffin, how how, alright Skid

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day Searches - Useless Children

It seems technology has taken over for pure common sense and grey matter in today's children. There seems to be no problem or inability for most to go to Google and type in what they are looking for but simple things like HOW TO MAKE A CUP OF COFFEE seem to have gone by the wayside.

With today being Mothers day, many useless twat's and basement dwellers are searching for ways to thank their mothers for the years of free rent and of course pushing them out of her hoo hoo dilly in the first place. Ergo the hot search topics of the day. Check these out, they are great for a good laugh

free printable mothers day cards

Come on people, she gave birth to you, spend "a buck fiddy" and get her a real card you stingy shit. Or at least grab a pack of crayons and make your own.

how to make french toast

Really quite simple. Scramble up some eggs, pour in a little milk. dip bread in milk fry bread. You could also add sugar to the mix and sprinkle the egg soaked bread with cinnamon

how to make scrambled eggs

You can't be fvcking serious!!! This was number 4. Look up the word scramble, that should give you a hint... Honestly, can you walk and chew gum at the same time?

how to make an omelette

Pretty much the same as scrambled egs, kinda like a scrambled agg pancake with cheese on it.

cooking bacon in the oven

Ya ok

Fathers day

Wrong month people, learn how to use the schedule on your PDA

Thursday, May 7, 2009

CARRIE PREJEAN Pictures stir up the pot

It seems celebrity douche and apparent knob gobbler Perez Hilton cannot seem to get enough of slamming Miss California 2009 CARRIE PREJEAN. If you remember, the "reporter" with an apparent flare for androgyny asked CARRIE PREJEAN what she thought about gay marriage. CARRIE PREJEAN responded stating she was happy she lived in a country where people were free to make choices, however, she personally believed that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Come on people, she said this was a personal opinion. CARRIE PREJEAN was only being honest about how she felt about marriage. Had Perez asked her if she thought Gay marriage should be illegal her answer may have been entirely different.

Regardless, Perez's most recent attack relates to the release of semi NUDE PICTURES OF CARRIE PREJEAN from a LINGERIE SHOOT when she was 17. Speaking on the topic of the TOPLESS PICTURES, CARRIE PREJEAN said in an email "This was when I was 17 years old. I was a minor. It was when I was first getting into the modeling world, being naive, and young. I shouldnt (sic) have taken the photo of me in my underwear. There are no other photos of me. This was the only one I took."

Perez was quick to respond that he had more RISQUE PICTURES OF CARRIE PREJEAN but would not publish them because she was 17 at the time. All that aside, what is the big deal? So CARRIE PREJEAN was raised with traditional Jesus freek values and she showed the world what "Jesus gave her". OK, so some feel she is slightly hypocritical. The thing is, CARRIE PREJEAN wasn't photographed with her toungue down Britney Spears' throat in some sort of Lesbian embrace, she was simply posing for a lingerie ad.... get a grip people.

on a lighter note, lingerie is worn under your jeans sort of Pre-jean

Related Links:


Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Laugh is on Goog hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Of all the things to blog about I chose this. Why you may ask. Well, to be honest I really don't know. You see, Google Hot trends is a handy little tool a blogwhore can use to see what is going on in the world and what people are searching for. Well today a bunch of geeks decided to play around with the search trends, which is really an easy thing to do.

By searching for the term


they effectively got Google thinking it was a hot topic. Most searches now seem to be from other blogwhores trying to figure out what it is all about or trying to capitalize on the whole search popularity for the term hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Whatever the reason, Google has it's name out there yet again and some basement dwellers have something to talk about at the next star trek convention.
