So You Think You Can Dance Wardrobe Malfunction

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Obama Watermelon Patch


It seems racism is rapidly becoming the keyword of the current US administration, which begs the question... Is the US really ready for an almost Black President?

Just over a week ago the "political correctness brigade" (led by Al Sharpton) jumped on the bandwagon with sirens blaring over an innocent political cartoon by Sean Delonas and published in the New York Post. This cartoon depicted police standing over a monkey they just shot with the caption "They'll have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill." For Christ sakes people, we all come from monkey's what is the big deal. For that matter, what about all those "so easy a monkey could have done it" comments? Not related at all to black people, just to the ease of the task. (read more on the New York Post Monkey Cartoon here)

All that aside, this week's "racism" fireball comes by way of Dean Grouse, Mayor of Los Alamitos California. I guess Dean decided to send a picture depicting the front lawn of the Whitehouse as a watermelon patch with the caption "NO EASTER EGG HUNT THIS YEAR". Ya ok, I guess that could be stereotyping black people as liking WATERMELON's... Honestly though, what is the big deal? As a White Cracker Monkey or WASP as some people like to refer to us, I have never even understood the WATERMELON JOKE. I guess I am abit naive that way. So Black people have been known to eat watermelons... so have whites. Of course some people I know like to fill them up with tequila (They are Mexicans.) Does this now make me racist for saying a Mexican acquaintance of mine likes to shoot his WATERMELON's up with Tequila??? Come on people, this guy is obviously a Republican and as such, he does not like Democrats. How is this any different than the Texas stereotypes thrown towards that inbred named George. Certain nationalities do certain things. Germans eat Sauerkraut and as such are called Krauts. I am of full German decent and have absolutely no problem with that.

The thing is, there are plenty of awful racist things going on in the world, a simple Email or Newspaper cartoon are not included in that. I guess since an almost Black person is President, lack of representation is no longer a valid argument so new topics must be found.

I leave you with this question. What would Black Rights Acitivists do for a living if there was no reason to protest?

Related Link


Here is a last minute addition to feed the fire

Thursday, February 26, 2009


The web seems to be buzzing with people searching for PICTURES OF SUZANNE TARA. In addition to several one off performances in shows such as Beverly Hills 90210, and Dream OnModels Inc., SUZANNE TARA also starred in a couple of episodes of Doogie Howser MD as a Candy Striper as well as the failed TV series Ferris Bueller and a 1963 performance in General Hospital.

Although the acting career of SUZANNE TARA seems to be quite spread out, this has not diminished her recent spurt into popularity. Perhaps it is as a result of internet searchers trying to dig up what little information they can find on the mysterious SUZANNE TARA.

Here is the IMDB breakdown of the acting career of SUZANNE TARA

SUZANNE TARA "Beverly Hills, 90210" .... Female Student (1 episode, 1995)
- Violated (1995) TV episode .... Female Student
SUZANNE TARA "Models Inc." .... Betsy (1 episode, 1994)
- Old Models Never Die (1994) TV episode .... Betsy
SUZANNE TARA "Dream On" .... Tammy (1 episode, 1994)
- Blinded by the Cheese (1994) TV episode .... Tammy
SUZANNE TARA "Doogie Howser, M.D." .... Candystriper / ... (2 episodes, 1991)
- Doogstruck (1991) TV episode .... Dayna
- Lonesome Doog (1991) TV episode .... Candystriper
SUZANNE TARA "General Hospital" (1963) TV series .... Remi Sinclair (unknown episodes, 1990)
SUZANNE TARA "Ferris Bueller" .... Surfer Girl (1 episode, 1990)
- Pilot (1990) TV episode .... Surfer Girl

SUZANNE TARA "Good Morning, Miss Bliss" .... Colleen 'Stevie' Morton (1 episode, 1989)
... aka Saved by the Bell: The Junior High Years (USA: syndication title)
- Stevie (1989) TV episode .... Colleen 'Stevie' Morton
SUZANNE TARA Deadly Prey (1987) .... Jaimy
The Danger Zone (1986) .... Heather

SUZANNE TARA "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." .... Abby (1 episode, 1965)
- The Odd Man Affair (1965) TV episode .... Abby
SUZANNE TARA "My Living Doll" .... Watusi Dancer (1 episode, 1965)
- Comic Interference (1965) TV episode .... Watusi Dancer

Monday, February 23, 2009


Keeping on the topic of Monkey's, it appears the Kardashians have once again left their brains.... well who knows where (Search parties have give up hope)They bought a monkey... to be more exacts a Chimpanzee named Suzy.

Although Suzy is quite cute, and be honest now, who hasn't thought about having a pet monkey. The problem is, monkey's are wild animals and not really intended as pets - the recent Cincinnati monkey attack is a prime example. It is really sad to see a family of idiots getting a chimpanzee simply to increase the ratings of their dumb ass show. Here is the posting from their blog


Her name is Suzy, she is three years old, and she is a handful! She steals our BlackBerrys and climbs up my mom’s bed. Having a monkey is a lot of work. Suzy always has her diaper on and we are the ones who have to change it!

It’s just like having an infant but worse because Suzy runs around like a teenager! She always needs to be fed, drinks out of a bottle and she loves Capri Sun juices!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We are all Monkey's - AL SHARPTON Upset over NY POST CARTOON

It seems the NEW YORK POST published a cartoon by Sean Delonas which was in response to the MONKEY SHOOTING in Connecticut but also included a not so subtle BARACK OBAMA JOKE. The COMIC which showed two cops standing over a monkey that had just been shot and saying "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.

I guess one could consider that racist, however, the way I look at it (as you can tell by the title of this blog) is that we we are all MONKEY's. So what do you think, is this cartoon racist or is it just good clean Monkey fun?

AL SHARPTON has already let his point be known, the Reverend / Policital activist is quoted as saying
"The cartoon in today's New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys. One has to question whether the cartoonist is making a less than casual reference to this when in the cartoon they have police saying after shooting a chimpanzee that "Now they will have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill."

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Monday, February 16, 2009

PROPRANOLOL - Miracle Cure or a Pandora's Box?

PROPRANOLOL is being touted as the miracle cure for fear. Apparently Dutch researchers are looking into this new "miracle drug", a beta blocker which inhibits fear, as a cure for those suffering PTSD or other Anxiety conditions.

Although I think eliminating these conditions from those suffering them is great, the concept of eliminating fear is ... well... Kinda scary. Imagine a society of individuals who fear nothing. There would be no concept of pain and consequence in essence creating a race "psychopaths".

On the other hand, talk about a great thing for those living in fear. I think it needs a little more research though. Not a doctor, just a though.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

MELISSA BRITOS Gets added to A-Rods Little Black book

The ongoing saga of A-Rod continues as Alex is rumoured to be seeing yet another babe. After a short lived stint with old sack Madonna, A-rod has moved onto a younger model by the name of MELISSA BRITOS. All that being said, this post is really nothing about A-rod and more about the highly suaght after PICTURES OF MELISSA BRITOS.

Before MELISSA BRITOS, we know there was the old slag Madonna. Aside from that, A-Rod has also been linked to a sexy big tited blonde JOSLYN NOEL MORSE who's PLAYBOY PICTURES can be found here

Unfortunately, there are no NAKED PICTURES OF MELISSA BRITOS to be found, however, if they do surface, you will be sure to find them on

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Danes Aiming Canons at The PIRATE BAY


This story has been developing for quite some time now and it seems Anti-piracy laws are once again rearing their ugly heads in Sweden. The CCBW of THE PIRATE BAY has long been an advocate for freedom on the internet, in fact he seems to enjoy the controversy it brings, often thumbing his nose at international law firms and publicly outing all the attempts at SHUTTING DOWN THE PIRATE BAY by posting letters on THE PIRATE BAY.

This is not the first time THE PIRATE BAY HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN, back in May of 2006, Swedish authorities RAIDED THE PIRATE BAY and confiscated their computers. Now it appears THE PIRATE BAY is scheduled to be back in court on Monday February 16th, why then the current SHUT DOWN OF THE PIRATE BAY. Visitors to the popular BITTORRENT TRACKER PIRATE BAY are currently being greeted with a message stating "Could not connect to caching server" Either there is a server problem at THE PIRATE BAY or court authorities got a jump on the February 16th court date.

Below are some excerpts from the blog of Snild Dolkow of Malmö, Sweden, an avid supporter of THE PIRATE BAY

Trial in 3, 2, 1...

The TPB trial starts on Monday, February 16th.

I started this blog at the day of the Pirate Bay raid, May 31st 2006. My purpose was to translate Swedish news articles to English, in order to allow non-swedes to keep up with the news flow (the very first post can be found here). As the news flow died down, so did my blog's activity. With the trial approaching, I expect lots and lots of news, and so I am reviving the blog.

Since most of you will be new to this blog, I'll start with a short introduction.
My name is Snild Dolkow. At the time of the raid, I wasn't really politically active in any way. I had joined the Pirate Party a couple of months earlier. After the raid, I became more active, and helped during the 2006 elections. Now I'm on the Pirate Party ballot for the 2009 European Parliament election.

Okay, so I may not be the most objective person you'll find. But I'll try. I hope you will find it useful.

And this time, I've made sure comments will be visible on the page (yay!).

posted by QauNuckShin at 4:46 PM | 0 comments links to this post
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Piratbyrån comments on TPB case delay

Prosecutor Håkan Roswall was, once again, granted extra time to press charges against TPB. The case has been delayed to October 1st. Swedish pro-piracy organisation Piratbyrån has commented on this, and even released an english translation.

I'll quote their press release here:

As expected, the prosecutor Håkan Roswall got prolonged time to bring a legal action against The Pirate Bay until October 1st 2007. More unexpected is the reasons given and the grounds for the decision.

- For a discrict court the reasons might seems sufficient, but for someone familiar with the case and the technique the arguments doesn't add up, says Magnus Eriksson of Piratbyrån.

Lets analyze the reasons given one by one:

"That the analyzis of confiscated equipment are still under way and that the equipment to a large extent consist of servers, which makes the work much more time-consuming."

- A server is not a multi-purpose machine like a regular computer. Contrary to what Roswall claims, it's often adapted to only one purpose. Therefore, the investigation of a server should be less time-consuming than that of a personal computer. Still Roswall claims that he can't return the servers even after a year of investigation.

"That he awaits the opinion of the state crime lab regarding analyzis of scripts and documentation of the torrent database."

- TPB consists of around 6000 lines of specially written code, or 16 lines of code to analyze each day. Up to three police officers have been dedicated to this for a year. What The Pirate Bay tracker and torrent site does should be obvious for everyone today.

"That the investigation regarding economic exchange in the activity of the Pirate Bay is still going on."

- If you haven't found anything illegal in an investigation of economic activity after a year, there is nothing there. No matter how much you wished it was!

"That encrypted information has been encountered in some of the confiscated computers that hasn't been cracked."

- This encrypted data does not belong to The Pirate Bay, but to the customers of Internet service providers PRQ. But only confiscation and investigation of equipment belonging to The Pirate Bay was allowed. Besides, a standard level encryption today takes about 40 years to crack. That's a lot of appeals for prolonged preliminary investigation!

"A large number of people have been actualized in the investigation. These must be questioned before the investigation can be completed."

- What is a "large number"? Two, five, a dozen? Who are they and why haven't they been actualized until now? The few people working with The Pirate Bay have been public and there are no army of secret co-workers!

These reasons given to the district court was found sufficient to grant the prolonging of the investigation. As we can see they do not stand up to a closer examination.

[Contact info and a paragraph about Piratbyrån removed]

posted by QauNuckShin at 11:52 AM | 0 comments links to this post
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Pirate Bay charges delayed

From Sydsvenskan (lit. "The South Swedish"):

The charges against the three suspects after the razzia on The Pirate Bay last year will be delayed even further.

Prosecutor Håkan Roswall has to June 1st to press charges, but tells magazine Ny Teknik [lit. "New Technology"] that he will request that the deadline be moved to October 1st.
***End of translation

This is pretty much what was indicated in The Local a few days ago. The article in Ny Teknik specifies the problem: there are encrypted disks. I find myself proclaiming "Wow, how unexpected" in an excessively sarcastic tone.

posted by QauNuckShin at 6:22 PM | 0 comments links to this post
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Prosecutor to press charges against TPB

Last week, prosecutor Håkan Roswall announced that he is pressing charges against TPB.

The Local has an article in English here. Good for me. I don't have to translate. :)

posted by QauNuckShin at 3:45 PM | 0 comments links to this post
Heh, sorry about the comments..

Just like many of you, I was wondering why there were no comments at all on the blog. I mean, it's been read quite a number of times.. Well, it appears I had comment moderation turned on. And I never noticed the comments, so they were never approved. So, when I logged in today to add a post (which will probably be the one after this one), the new Blogger interface said in big letters: "401 unmoderated comments waiting" or something like that. Two hundred of them were spam. Luckily, they were the latest 200, so they were easily marked and rejected. Sorry if I managed to reject any valid comments in the process.

Anyways, so now there are about 200 comments on the blog. I'll try to read them through and answer them if I think it's still relevant. :P

(don't worry, comment moderation will now be turned off.)

Edit/addition: Today at 5:35 PM, I got over a hundred notifications proclaiming new comments on my blog. I was very excited.

posted by QauNuckShin at 3:39 PM | 1 comments links to this post
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The Pro Piracy Lobby

We're going international, baby!

The Pro Piracy Lobby has been started. It's an international cooperation between pro-piracy groups, including Swedish Piratbyrån. Check them out at

posted by QauNuckShin at 3:31 PM | 2 comments links to this post
Friday, June 30, 2006
Piratbyrån calls for Bodström to resign

I don't have to translate. Yay!

Sadly, there's no direct link to the particular article, just go to the temporary emergency solution and read anything you can find in English. Oh, and the small text in the upper right corner translates to

As soon as bodström sobers up, we'll probably get our server back, but until then, this will have to do.

Just to be safe, I'll post the text here (if you don't find it or if it disappears when the real site is put back up or something):

*** *** *** Text start
Juridical Outrage Continues. Bodström Must Resign!

After the raid against the Pirate Bay, Piratbyrån and almost 200 other servers, information suggesting pressure from American lobby organisations as well as the US government was the reason for the police action was released. Minister of justice Thomas Bodström immediately denied all knowledge of that kind of foreign influence.

This Tuesday however, Swedish public service TV have presented evidence that shows how, shortly before the raid, the US justice department threatened with trade sanctions via the WTO if Sweden doesn't act harder on Swedish file-sharing sites – that is, the Pirate Bay.

- This is no more than a farce-like juridical outrage featuring Thomas Bodström as the main character, says Tobias Andersson from Piratbyrån. - If he has a grain of decency and self respect left, we expect him to resign from his post.

The Pirate Bay is a file-sharing site using the Bittorrent technique. The technique itself is in no way illegal, which is why the Pirate Bay has not been shut down before. The complexity of the technique is also why Bittorrent hasn't had its legal status tried in the US.
- We demand all cards to be put on the table immediately, says Tobias Andersson. We won't tolerate this kind of fiddling, lies and foul play. It's an attack on freedom of speech!

Piratbyrån has not yet gotten its server back after the raid, although it was not an official target for the bust. The police remain silent, contradictory and refer to prosecutor Håkan Roswall for more information. Roswall on the other hand has not given Piratbyrån any answers.
- We're convinced that this raid against the servers was meant as sabotage against the Pirate Bay and Piratbyrån and not as a juridical case, says Tobias Andersson. - Obviously we are an uncomfortable part of the debate, but it's alarming that freedom of speech is not worth more for copyright crazed lobby organisations and legal authorities

Piratbyrån is forming a critique against copyright by operating as a think tank and information aggregator for issues concerning intellectual property, file sharing, piracy and other related topics. We pursue no activity that could be considered a violation of Swedish law.

Press contact: Tobias Andersson, Piratbyrån: +46(0)734-072091

Letter from MPA to Swedish justice department
*** *** *** Text end

Also, be sure to check out this torrent. It's a swedish news report (subtitled!) on the stuff that's happened. Now with extra U.S. threats! Yay!

posted by QauNuckShin at 9:23 AM | 1 comments links to this post
PRQ servers still not returned

Yeah, sorry about the delay folks. I got kind of tired of translating, and I didn't find anything really interesting, and then I was away for a week without a computer. Oh, the humanity! :þ

Rasmus Fleischer, an "official" member of Piratbyrån, maintains a blog named Copyriot. He has posted some info on the procedures of getting back the servers of PRQ and Piratbyrån.

*** *** *** Translation
Håkan Roswall compares Piratbyrån to terrorists and The Pirate Bay to... Something even worse

Now I've been told, by word of mouth from a person who was there in Stockholm district court this wednesday, what the prosecutor Håkan Roswall said at the first of many negotiations that will be held about the confiscation of different servers connected to the raid on The Pirate Bay.
The company PRQ wanted four computers back, used for bookkeeping and customer registers (also neccesary for PRQ to be able to pay their taxes). Håkan Roswall refuses and insists that the computers are to be locked away for at least another year. He claims this is important for the investigation.
When the district court looked into the case, it was time for Håkan Roswall to justify his actions. Now, how would he do that? Well, at first he supposedly talked in general about what BitTorrent is for about a half hour as well as (no one understands why) how wireless networks work. If you were to guess, jurymen and the judge were confused. Then, Håkan Roswall said, according to what I've been told, this, word for word:

I don't know how to express it, but you could say Piratbyrån is like IRA and The Pirate Bay is like the armed forces branch of IRA.

You're stunned.
The prosecutor's ignorance is one thing: IRA is "the armed forces branch" of the Sinn Féin party, something that should be common knowledge. Even more unintelligible is why he even put Piratbyrån in the mix. This negotiation was about the company PRQ, and the supposed importance for a crime investigation that their [the company's] accounts are not returned (not even as a copy).
What's worse is what Håkan Roswall obviously is trying to say: The fact that Piratbyrån is arguing for the right of indexing services like The Pirate Bay to exist, means that we can choose to disregard freedom of speech.

PRQ has appealed to the court of appeal, but until then, demands of more people and companies to get their computer equipment back will be tried by the district court. The confiscation of Piratbyrån's server will be tried, hopefully as soon as next week. But count on that Håkan Roswall will give a single inch. This is, of course, a political question, where pressure needs to be applied at as many points as possible, if we don't want to accept that a prosecutor can arbitrarily decide that one net voice be silenced for an undecided amount of time, without even a suspicion of crime.

If someone reading this was at the district court procedures, I'd be very grateful for some lines in the comments and any confirmation of Roswall's statement.

The confiscation of Piratbyrån's server has to be brought into the debate now. Among other things, maybe something like a petition. If anyone feels motivated, feel free to contact me.
*** *** *** End translation

posted by QauNuckShin at 8:43 AM | 0 comments links to this post
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Business owners demand reparations reports that business owners affected by the raids demand that the state pay them a total of almost 2 million kronors (about 267 000 american dollars). Original article here.