So what is this post about then you ask. Well, good question, I will let you know once I figure it out for myself. For now, let's call it verbal Diarrhea with a catchy title.
I was browsing through facebook and ran across an interesting change in a friends' profile. Yes a female friend and she is definitely a "Hot Chick" and also falls into that growing category of "Hot Chicks I have not bagged." Not for a lack of trying of course, just a matter of misguided and clumsy attempts.
So anyways, back to the Facebook changes. First of all, I noticed she was no longer with this monkey man she was reportedly "In love with" and now there was a Post-coital picture of a Vancouver Canucks player with the caption "...leaving my house." His hair was all mussed up and he looked like something the cat dragged in. Whatever the case, he obviously just bagged "My hot Chick." No, I'm not laying claim to her, just pointing out two things... 1) She is hot and 2) I want to bag her.
If it sounds like I am slightly jealous... well ya abit. The thing is, she has made it clear she is not interested in doing a married guy. No honey, I am not trying to step out on our Marriage, I'm just talking... Of course, if Tamara Taggart begged me, I might have some trouble saying no. But she is being bagged by a Rockstar and has recently joined the elustrious club of MILF's. Congrats Eh!
Now for the title of this Blog, well, obviously the above situation brought the question "How to bag a Hot Chick" into my mind. Not as a serious question, just as sort of an observation on a "Hot Chick" who claims to be looking for love. Not to sound bitter, but you know the type who always goes for a certain type and then wonders why they are a single mother of 3 or 4 at the age of 38. I guess I should have titled this blog "How to Bag a Hot MILF."
The thing is, I know a number of women who fit into this category. Always looking for "Mr. Right" and completely missing "Mr. Right in front of her face." Looking back, I can say alot of this was my fault. First of all, if you want something, you need to go after it. I'm not saying stalking or by making lewd comments on how you want to "Bag her." Honest compliments help as does a general level of honesty and sincerity. It is always good to be polite and stay away from negativity. A positive outlook on life and friendly demeanor are also positive attributes to have when seeking out and bagging a hot chick.
Failing that, being a rich Hockey player with a face that looks like it has been hit by a truck (a few times) will also get you that ever sought after "Hot Chick." Sh!t, you don't even have to be a Hockey Player, just having buttloads of cash will do the trick... after all, look at Tiger Woods.