So, what does this non-fan of American Idol have to say about Season 9 of American Idol 2010 which apparently kicked off tonight? Well, not much of value except for an interesting story I ran across. Well, fvcked up is more like it.
So we all know the Producers of American Idol are very protective over everything American Idol. Of course they are, this is their lifeblood and it pays for Simon Cowell's Paula Abdul rehab and the flood of ongoing royalties pay for Randy Jackson's hooked on phonics lessons. So what has got Freemantle Entertainment (AKA the American Idol Mafia) up in arms? A little strip bar in Austin Texas. Yes, you heard right Freemantle is suing a strip bar.
No, not because they found a Kara DioGuardi look-alike to strip for them... Although that would definitely make me think about travelling down south. No, but because Palazio Men's Club was hosting a weekly amateur stripping contest called "Stripper Idol" In "Stripper Idol" the women have 60 seconds to dance topless, then are ranked by audience applause to win the $500 kitty.
In the American Idol lawsuit against Palazio Men's Club's Stripper Idol, Freemantle Media (The owners of the American Idol franchise) are claiming copyright infringement against Palazio Men's Club citing several similarities to American Idol trademarks. In addition to halting Palazio Men's Club's Stripper Idol, Freemantle is looking to have the courts seize the profits from Stripper Idol.
For those who give a damn, you can read more about the, whatever you want to call it, American Idol 2009 and the recent American Idol sob story poster child Maddy Curtis check out the officially unofficial HTBW American Idol Blog Yes I know, a complete waste of my time but remember what I said about ad revenue...
Speaking of chicks that look good naked, Victoria Beckham must have appeared on American Idol because "Victoria Beckham American Idol" seems to be on the rise in popularity. She isn't naked people....
I think I will go wack of to naked pictures of Kaley Cuoco now. Have a great night.